Whalebone |
"How to describe it? it's filled with photographs and fragments, short anecdotes described in such lyrical poetic glory. beautiful." Written by Evelyn. Quoted and available to order from Fortune Cookie Distro.
(added 21/06/2006)
(Sweden) |
"The porn-industry/the porn-debate/Feminists Against Censorship/car-culture/6 months in S.Africa/." Quoted and Available to order from Tilt Distro.
70g 1,25
(added 19/06/2006)
Women in the Zapatistas |
"Red And Black/Kersplebedeb.
A short compilation of texts relating to the experiences of women in the EZLN." Quoted and available to order from Emancypunx Distro
24pgs A5– 8zł
(added 16/06/2006)
The way it is
(US) |
"This zine opens up with the story of a birth. The author's birth of her son Killian was a profound experience. Even though it was at a birthing center she felt it was still not how she wanted her son to be born. Thus begins the zine which is about the authors experiences in dealing with raising her son the way she wants to raise him, not the way mainstream society deems. Why does a mother have to justify at every turn that she wants to raise her son vegan for his first year? This zine is journal of a first time mother....appropriate for anyone." (Quoted in Desert City Death Distro) This Available to order from Desert City Death Distro
(added 1/06/2006)
Wonka Vision
"'Your source for independent music and thoughts' is on their front cover. A music magazine with a little twist of teenzine additives (im still not sure if this is a joke). We have interviews with Anti Flag, Sean Na Na, The Faint, Stike Anywhere, and a bunch of other bands. Teen homosexuality, and ending racism are some article topics." (Quoted in Beyond A Joke Distro). Issue # 15 available to order from Beyond a Joke Distro
(added 31/05/2006)
Wire Sparrow
(Australia) |
"distro review: [#2] I always love the content of sarah's zines. she talks about bits and pieces around her which i find fascinating & endearing. more text-heavy than the last issue."(Quoted in Fatcheeks Distro) Zine created by Sarah. Available to order from Fatcheeks Distro.
$2 AU/CA - $1 US
32pp, 1/4 sized, 22g
(added 02/05/2006)
Winterspark |
"Lovely perzine from goth fairy princess Jade in Australia. Jade writes with
frank honesty about her battles with depression and love lost & found. There's some personal narratives, fiction, poetry, her thoughts on DIY publications and being a goth." (Quoted in Wasabi Distro) Available to order from: Wasabi Distro.
210 yen
44 pp - 1/4 size
(added 01/05/2006)
What the ladies have to say- interviews with activists in Palestine, Indonesia and the Philippines |
"In 1999, Ronica and Ronni traveled around Asia and the Middle East and interviewed female activists there-- incredible people who are out risking their lives to try to give everyone basic human rights. This is a few years old, but these peoples' stories are worth a read." (Quoted in Wasabi Distro) Available to order from: Wasabi Distro.
210 yen
38pp - 1/2 legal
(added 01/05/2006)
We Love Food |
"This is a short and cute one-shot comic collaboration by Abby Denson and Yuko Koyama (co-authors of Just a Guy/A Piece of Mutton and Love). Half the comic is in English, half in Japanese. Both artists show how important food is in their lives." (Quoted in Wasabi Distro) Available to order from: Wasabi Distro.
50 yen
14pp - 1/4 size
(added 01/05/2006)
Women of Techno: EARNOISES
(Canada) |
"This online 'zine originates from a project on female Djs and techno. The current focus is on Torontonian and Canadian techno artists, and many international djs and producers in interviews and articles. Some topics explored are sampling, postmodern quotation, artists' involvement in the international music industry, and critiques of corporate control. You will also find the home of Die Maschine on CIUT radio, and other great projects about Canadian techno, art, and culture. Womenoftechno.com delivers you EARNOISES: a new e-zine, aiming to deliver a hand-picked selection of news, sounds, and original articles to the culturally-minded socially-conscious electronic-music community. " http://www.womenoftechno.com/womenoftechno.html
(added 30/032006)
Witches, Midwives and Nurses: a history of women healers |
"The title just about says it all - Euro-american history of the medical system that has imperislised the world, showing that women have received the short end of the deal for centuries. Well researched and illustrated but easy to ready, it’s a great introduction to the politics of the medical industry, complete with an early 70’s feminist gung-ho that makes it interesting piece of hystory that need not get lost in “post-feminist” amnesia." Written by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deidre English.
Now distributed by blood sisters (Canada): http://bloodsister.org
(added 28/032006)
Wrinkle Zine: life, love, and parenting
(Baltimore/US) |
"Autumn 2004:
- Moving to the country ... cows, corn, and crickets
- Weaning: after 2 years, 9 months, and 5 days. Not that anyone was counting
- What Would Mr. Hooper Do? How I ignored Sesame Street and let my daughter down and the torments of mama-guilt that followed
- Listen Up: What NOT to say to Infertile folks (Advice on keeping your well-meaning foot out of your mouth)
- Parenting tips from SpongeBob lookalikes and other people that piss me off. Plus more of the poor penmanship and crappy drawings you've come to love.
$2 or trade." The web site also offers Wrinkle Zine's Free-For-All Mama & Papa Zine Links!
k4kara [AT] hotmail.com.
(added 11/16/2004)
(AZ/US) |
"WE NEED TO EAT, a conscious guide to cheap vegan eating and feeding contains a piece about organic food for cheap originally printed in Compost This Zine by Liz Defiance, an interview with Phx Food Not Bombs, another on gardening, and yet another about cooperative economics, over 75 recipes, advice and tips on getting free food and saving money other ways. All this from an anarchist angle with some commentary on food politics, and how food is so intertwined with our everyday lives as well as with systems of power." how you can get it: send $2-4 well-concealed cash or combination of $ and stamps of equal value to:
PO Box 3438
Tempe, AZ 85280-3438
gettingloudereveryday [AT] hotmail.com
Stacy also created the resource site Anarcha-Feminsm & Gender Anarchy: http://www.geocities.com/sallydarity
(added 08/15/2003)
2 Way Freak #1/Doing Maria #1
(TN/US) |
"What you are about to read is a rundown of my life in the sex industry, specifically the phone sex industry. I've been a phone sex operator since last summer, and my life has changed a lot since then. While my politics and outlook on life are generally the same as they've always been, certain aspects have shifted dramatically." 2 Way Freak describes Robin's experience of how she went from a typical wage worker to a phone sex worker. She also has tips on how to get into the phone sex industry. Doing Maria by Tricky is also about her job as a phone sex worker, particularly her decision to play upon her ethnicity and Big Beautiful Woman-ness. She also writes about how she got into the phone sex industry and her previous jobs. A split zine by by Robin & Tricky, $2.50. (added 5/8/2003)
Women's Self-Defense: Stories and Stratigies of Survival
(IL/US) |
This zine is about, “ how women have kept themselves safe during and after sexual harassment and assault. The authors write about a wide range of situations including stranger assault, sexual harassment, on the streets and at work, multiple assailants, assailants with weapons, known assailants, date rape, and domestic abuse.” Ariel sent out several fliers asking other women for their stories on self-defense. This first issue is a compilation of those testimonies. Ariel does several zines: Women'sSelf-Defense: Stories and Stratigies of Survival; Riveter; DIY Guide To Booking Shows (for grrrls), as well as a small music/zine distro called Riveter. She is also ccalling for submissions for the second issue of the women's self-defense zine (comming out in January!). This is an incredible powerful zine with stories about different ways women have defended themselves and other women. Contact Ariel at mspippilotta [AT] yahoo.com
If you would like to read a bit about her zine (or oder it) go to:
Write her at:
Ariel Clemenzi
PO Box 2433
Champaign, IL 61825-2433
(Australia) |
My zine Woami #1 is out in Melbourne, Australia. It's a music based grrl zine with interviews with Sarah Dougher, indie rock band Origami, articles on Sleater-Kinney, and the local music scene, youth radio, etc.. Email me at fieryrockbabe [AT] yahoo.com if yr interested in getting a copy. There's a website at http://www.geocities.com/fieryrockbabe/
woami_zine.html so take a look! Shaz x0x
(added 1/5/2003)
Wasabi Star
(Australia) |
“When it comes to useless gifts I embrace the idea that it’s the thought that counts and choose only to keep the thought, not its material product. I won’t live my life among objects that mean nothing to me.” Moira in this issue rejoices with life, and at the fact that she has moved to a bigger room. I’ll highlight wasabi as the true theme for this one.Moira
PO Box 7754
Wellesley St
Auckland, Australia
(added 11/30/2002)
Who's That Bitch? |
‘It’s disgusting. The product of a troubled mind’ – Diana Ross
Issue 3 includes: anti-war, The Hysterics, w/c women and feminism, Princess Headbutt interview, ‘arrested for wearing a shirt’ interview, disability and sexuality, Liz Lochead, The Mombies, Ladyfest Manchester, diaries from Palestine & much much more.SAE + £1/1euro50/$1.50 to m.dawson, 14 longbrook,
shevington, wigan wn6 8db.i accept some trades but ask first.
thelovelymarion [AT] yahoo.co.uk
(added 05/06/2003)
We Are Warriors (Canada)
“We are warriors is project coming out of a zine workshop with the theme of anti-oppression. Participants created art pieces, wrote, and discussed several of anti- oppression principles and practice. They answered such questions as what is anti-oppression? What is identity? What is the connection between zines and anti-oppression? What is the political practice of anti-oppression?” “ A compilation about anti-oppression.”
(added 11/30/02)
I Went To Punkfest And All I Got Was This Lousy Zine
(New Zealand) |
“My main purpose for producing this was to showcase a bunch of people doing things on a number of levels which relate to a punk ethos. I’m looking at what punk means beyond music or fashion to the people involved. “ This is what fifteen people had to get together, to show and tell. Fuck corporate sponsored expos telling the kids what punk was. Where telling you what it is now, what it means for us! This is a documentary and an exercise in self-representation.”
PO Box 14562
New Zealand
the_mystery_set [AT] hotmail.com
(added 11/30/02)
Why So Pissed
(UA) |
“Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All events transpiring herein are untrue, especially when people do bad things, that they are not supposed to do.” “ Eulogy for a band called “durga” and account of my hate-love affair with a thing called “tour.”
catsandbabies [AT] yahoo.com
(added 11/30/02)
The Wicked Which
(US) |
“I write for psychological change and not for political motivations. I write for writing and not for condemning or condoning.” In Issue#2 you get poetry and daily summaries of what occurs in our author’s life. Price: $1.00 each/ approved trade." #2 is out of print but #3 should be out soon. Contact izz for the next issue coming up: namesofthings [AT] yahoo.com
(added 11/30/02)
(Hong Kong) |
Chan wrote this piece #15 based on people she has come across and places she has visited. Price: $1.25 each. She also runs the fabulous Livinghood Distro!
bonnie [AT] livinghood.net
(added 11/30/02)
With Heart in Mouth
(US) |
“When I was little I was often mistaken for a boy. I looked a lot like my brother, and my hair was short. I guess maybe I looked a little boyish.” The second issue of With Heart In Mouth offers various ideas. You have Anna’s download on her thought of high school Army recruiters, verbal abuse, and a resource list of Domestic Violence Organizations. By Anna.
(added 11/30/02)
Women’s History Information Project
(CA/US) |
“The Women’s History Information Project formed to present the largely inaccessible and marginalized history of women in the United States who questioned the dominant society, not solely as women, but as women of color, white women, queer women, workers and other oppressed groups. We hope to broaden the definition of women’s history to include the struggles of women for justice and equality and against oppression.” Lucy Parsons: Woman of Will is based on her fight for “the rights of the poor and oppressed in the face of an increasingly oppressive economic system.”
Industrial Workers of the World
PO Box 40485
San Francisco, Ca 94140
robin_W [AT] uclink4.berkeley.edu
monica [AT] iww.org
(added 11/30/02)
World Within
(Israel) |
“There are many ways to welcome change in life, not just by things such as traveling. Welcoming change, opening oneself up to it, is in the mind, not in the physical surroundings you are in. So just because you do not think you can wander around the world, like I am doing, does not mean you cannot experience change.” Our author is out and about traveling, and during this phase of her life she shares with us how the world within her feels.
DIY Publishing
PO Box 3607
worldwithin [AT] hotmail.com
(added 11/30/02)
Wrongs of Passage
(US) |
“I am in a period of transition in my life.” In Issue#1 Danielle shares with us the confusion she feels, and the newly found freedom of moving away from Ohio. She also courageously shares with us the name of the ASSHOLE that violated her body. wrongsofpassage [AT] hotmail.com
(added 11/30/02)
Why So Pissed
(US) |
“Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All events transpiring herein are untrue, especially when people do bad things, that they are not supposed to do.”
(added 11/17/02)
W.H.O.R.E.M.O.A.N.A.L. T.Y.R.A.N.N.Y.
(US) |
Houses the wonderful "Jigsaw Youth " article by Kathleen Hanna, info from the book WOMAN HATING by Andrea Dworkin, info on STDs and much more incredible riot grrrl articles! Defintiely a site that rocks!
Worse than queer
(US) |
Mimi Nugyen makes zines since she is 15! Now, at 26, she is doing her PhD, teaches Women Studies in Berkeley and does still her zines… The title from this site comes form a Bikini Kill song ("Suck My Left One"). The site is also home of her zine Slander (formerly Slant). Mimi has also edited "evolution of a race riot" (1997), "a compilation zine (...) by, for and about people of color in various stages of p-rock writing about race, "identity," and community." http://www.worsethanqueer.com/
Welcome to Sunny Camp Trans
(US) |
"Brought to you by Butch Dyke Boy Press and the Lesbian Avenger Zinery, written and drawn by Stacey Montgomery-Scott. Join our cartoonish navigatrix as she takes you through the basics of Camp Trans, the Pro-trans mini-festival that takes place outside of the Michigan Women's Music Festival. This is a rather personal explanation that provides insight into Camp Trans and some of the thinking behind it." http://www.sheerchaos.org/comics/ct2001/index.html (updated 13/02/2006)
Word Association
(CA/US) |
Word Association is writen by Susan and still available from Bonnie's Livinghood Distro
Susan R.,
El Cajon, Ca, USA
$1.00= Issue# 1
vibrate_my_eardrums [AT] yahoo.com
(CA/US) |
"Less than a month ago I saw a homeless man lying face-down under a shopping cart in a San Diego parking lot, and I think it's nothing short of criminal that yuppies should have more house than they could ever possibly know what to do with while millions of Americans have sub-standard housing or none whatsoever."
PMB 200
32158 Camino Capistrano, A
San Juan Capistrano, Ca 92675
http://www.wishbonezine.com (webpage inactive 13/02/2006)
We Said We Didn't Have A Life…Now Here's Proof.
(Canada) |
"Crazy world of sex, dyke bus drivers, candy and a new apartment."Jessika and Sheila
30 Speers Apt#1907
Oakville, Ontario
L6K 2E4
I Wrote a Letter To You Getting Over Myself
(CA/US) |
“A zine I made about my train of thought.”
Jen V.
4434 Huddart Ave.
El Monte, California 91731
Email: webmaster [AT] implicate.net
What Are You Doing With Your Life
(New Zealand) |
Email: darrans [AT] es.co.nz
When the Sky Sees Itself In the Ocean
(Australia) |
“I was born, I was star found, I saw the universe, I saw the universe, thank the Goddess I saw the universe.” 2 Australian dollars plus stamps = Issue#1
Jaki L.
PO Box 16
Broke NSW 2330
(Australia) |
"Welcome to Woami! - a website based on the new zine coming to Melbourne soon that celebrates female queer culture, alternative music and feminism. The first issue of Woami is being cReAteD and will include interviews with: Portland (USA) singer/songwriter, feminist and lesbian activist - Sarah Dougher, Melbourne band - Origami, Flea from The Homewreckers, also the editor of Thunderpussy zine, Feracia!, more Melbourne grrl bands...music reviews (live and cd), performance reviews
rants, things to do in Melbourne. Also there will be articles on: Sleater-Kinney, SYN fm, Stagefright, and some short fiction.
Please contribute your ideas, stories, poems, drawings, articles, reviews, rants, anything! Just email them to me at fieryrockbabe@yahoo.com. Don't be shy! Even if you just have a question feel free to email me. iT DOESN'T MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE! so no excuses!" Email: fieryrockbabe [AT] yahoo.com http://www.geocities.com/fieryrockbabe/
(added 10/11/02)
Wives Tales
(US) |
A zine full of information on women's health issues by Britton Neubacher (San Diego). Now distributed by blood sisters (Canada): http://bloodsister.org