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Here you can find rebellious feminist zines: grrrl and lady zines, riot grrrl zines, transgender zines, zines by grrrls of color, lesbian/queer zines and many others! Dop me an email when you know of zines not listed here or if I haven't listed your incredible zine yet!!

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Zine Distros


A Fine Idea at the Time


"a fine idea at the time is about a pregnancy scare, it contains a few days worth of worried writing rationalizing the whole thing & some sex-ed info. by britt of moxie distro. 1/4size, 16pages. 10g [50¢us / 50¢cdn]." Quoted and available from
(added 13/7/2006)

Around the World

"'A chronicle from a Yo-Yo A GoGo'. Jenna documents her girlie roadtrip adventures from Arizone up to Olympia for summer music fests. Each contant a homemade picture postcard." Quoted from Moon Potatoes Distro.
$2 / 40p / half / 2 oz
(added 29/06/2006)

Andrea's Rea-Life Animal Adventures
"Andrea decided she was going to write about the animals that she encountered but she thought that might be a problem since she lived in the city. She soon found out, there was plenty of wildlife in her life, even living in the city! The first issue of her zine features striped skunks & squirrels & mice & more. With great illustrations & info about all sorts of creatures, this zine is great for you & even for your little friends wanting to learn about all the fabulous animals hiding out in your city!" Quoted and available to order from My My Distro.
40p & 1/4 letter $2.00
(added 28/06/2006)

Adventures in Menstruating
"We here at Microcosm have a lot reading material about being on the rag, but nothing quite like this zine by Chella Quint (Chart Your Cycle). Funny and heart wrenching stories are interwoven between hilarious analysis of menstruation product ads (which are sometimes funny and sometimes painful). It's really good to see humour injected into this subject, done in a smart and clever way. This issue is perhaps a little less light-hearted than the previous one, with several personal accounts of trauma/horror stories related to periods. A very fun read - pick this up in addition to serious period zines in our catalog." Quoted and available to order from Microcosm Publishing.
28 pages, A4, copied (3 oz) $3.00
(added 26/06/2006)

Ax Wound: Gender and Horror

" is my hope that Ax Wound will start a dialogue about gender in the horror/slasher/gore genre and the pyscho-social impact these films have on our culture. I want this zine to be a safe place for feminists who struggle with they're enjoyment of this brand of film, which is typically thought to reinforce patriarchal values, and try to understand why we love them so much..." Written by Hannah D. Forman. Quoted and availble to order from Powderbox Zine Distro.
(added 21/06/2006)


Anarchism: the Feminist Connection
"P. Kornegger kersplebedeb.
Peggy Kornegger was an editor of the American feminist magazine The Second Wave. The text of this pamphlet - now an anarcha-feminist classic - first appeared as an article in the spring ’75 issue of that magazine." Quoted and available to order from Emancypunx Distro.
32pgs A5, 8 zł
(added 16/06/2006)

"# 2. Anarcho-punk newsletter from England : news, zines (reviews), noise (records reviews) and texts about slendermeans and The Kate Sharpley Library." Quoted and available to order from Diffusons Distro
diffusons [AT]
4 p A4, 15 g
(added 16/06/2006)

Anarchism in Turquey "A short history of anarchism in Turquey." Quoted and available to order from Diffusons Distro
diffusons [AT]
16 p A5, 25 g
(added 16/06/2006)

Abortion "This booklet was made to encourage us to talk about our abortions, to link women to each other so we can understand our experiences"... Quoted and available to order from Diffusons Distro
diffusons [AT]
12 p A5, 18 g
(added 16/06/2006)

A Woman Without A Country by Emma Goldman. Available to order from Diffusons Distro
diffusons [AT]
20 p A5, 30 g
(added 16/06/2006)

"In the intro, Kate writes: "I wrote Artichoke #8 as a reminder of all things I love. There is nothing profound here, just the simple things that make me excited to get out of bed every morning: video games and a full mailbox, libraries and tasty food, garage sales and knitting, road trips and smoothies, tattoos and memories....A perfect read that will definitely make you smile." (Quoted in Driving Blind Distro) This Available to order from Driving Blind Distro.

Aged Noise set
"The first-written in a fever induced night. Crushes, what-ifs, friendship turned addiction turned obsession. 1/6th size. 24pg. 2002.
the second-what happens afterwards. the breakup, the goodbyes, solutions, damnations, tears, falling apart, disintegrating. quarter sized. 24 pg. 2003.
the third-thoughts on forgiveness, salvation, redemption, no spirit, no soul. Winter. quarter sized. 24 pages. 2004.
...and these/those tears were just tears. and whatever i do, and the way I disintegrate/unconstruct myself
fall apart
you never understood-my words, my mind. It was about me.
it happens without you.
it happened before you.
you were only a factor in the larger picture that is me. So fuck you. I won....
from aged noise 2" (Quoted in CS Distro). Zine created by Noemi. Available to order from CS Distro.
all 3 for $3. wt. 2 oz


"from the writer: a fairy tale feel runs through the two stories in this little zine that's nicely bound with red thread." (Quoted in Fatcheeks Distro). Zine written by Elizabeth. Available to order from Fatcheeks Distro (Australia).
8pp, 1/4 sized, 4g
$1 AU/CA - 50c U
(added 02/05/2006) 

"This unique zine was born when Jesse found some confidential Ph.D. applicant files from the 1960s in the dumpster at college. Each page is a photo of an applicant and a quote from their interview file. It's funny, fascinating and surprisingly compelling." (Quoted in Wasabi Distro).Available at Wasabi Distro (Japan).
210 yen
46pp - 1/4 size
(added 28/04/2006)

Altar Magazine

"Politics, art, interviews and more! In the newest issue: interviews with folk artist/anarchist Utah Phillips, musician Ari Up and artist Heidi Minx, female Muslim artists and political activists, Feminists vs. Humanists, and as always, fiction, artwork, music and book reviews. Great stuff! " (Quoted in Wasabi Distro). Available at Wasabi Distro (Japan).
420 yen
62pp - Full siz)
(added 28/04/2006)

Action Girl Online
"Here's all you ever wanted to know about Action Girl Comics, heart of all my Action Girl Projects. Here at Action Girl Central, you'll find all sorts of Action Girl-related stuff -- info, links, fun stuff to do...and the predecessor to Action Girl, the Action Girl Newsletter is online here as well  along with other zine information. Cooking, toys, links, how-to-info, how to get the comics and what's in them -- you'll find all that and more here."(Quoted in Action Girl Online).
(added 03/4/2006)

an activist approach to domestic violence

This zine by billie rain and basil "chronicles the process of organizing the 'no use for abuse' weekend of events in resistance to domestic abuse. includes concrete strategies and interviews with members of the coalition for human dignity, a grassroots organization that worked to end domestic abuse." Billie and basil are also also running the planting seeds community awareness project. You can order the zines at:
planting seeds community awareness project
PO Box 11452
Olympia, WA 98508, USA
info [AT]
(added 05/16/2003, changed 01/02/2006 )

Ambivalence Zine

Quarterly Mini Zine
Covers a range of issues including: sexuality, movies, fame, media, gender, identity and depression. With opposing views and opinions for open minded individuals.
"Anyone Overseas wanting a zine e-mail me and I'm sure we can work out some sort of trade." Co. Durham, United Kingdom
Email: ambivalencezine [AT] (52 p.)
(added 04/08/2003, web site inactive 01/02/2006)

Are We There Yet
"Are We There Yet is a mama zine about the reality of parenting...the good and the bad, the real deal. In the first issue: Mommy's Manic Monday, a detailed day in the life of a mom. A piece on taking a daughter to the DC peace rallies. Sick days, how much I could use them. Reviews and much more. $2." Contact Lauren at masagelea f[AT] out of Baltimore MD. By Lauren.
(added 02/25/2003)

Astrogrrl Zine

Miss Helen has been zining for around 6 years now, and her zines seem to be getting smaller and more personal. She does a whole collection, best known for astrogrrl zine. Zines she has done:
bomb and chicken detective agency 02:
"this was a zine i made with my best friend clinton about our lives in the outer burbs. i don't know if there will be another issue. it is 1/6th A4 and cute."
secret agent chicken 99: "current: this is the working title for the zines i've been making in the past few years. personal writing etc in a very small package. i'm actually planning on a super bumper isue that will be around the size of a normal zine. contact me for details or if you have anything to contribute."
hospital for broken hearts 99- current: "its every bit as dramatic as its namesake. anxiety, love, death, breaking points. cathartic tragic and voyeristic. intensely personal and availible only to my closest pals.
spycore 3 97-98: "only one issue ever came out of this monstrosity. it is a collection of writings by myself, clinton, lou, john weeks and alex. we were some of the zine elite, back in the day. its a cute little read. loosely themed around spying and growing up.(out of print)
astrogrrrl zine 96-00: "i did this zine from 1996-2000. just before my brother died until i quit university. it was an angsty autralian grrrl zine. it had interveiws with non riot grrrl bands and contributed stories by some rad people. the zines were small and relatively well known. i will still meet someone occasionally who had read the zines back in the day :)
its over now, and thankfully, out of print."
Contact details.
Some zines are availible by trading other zines, or mix tapes. A nice letter is always good an almost expected.
Miss Helen
PO Box 730
Sutherland NSW 1499, Australia
nonafmecklenberg [AT]

(added 02/16/2003, changed 02/02/2006)


“The theme of #9 is drastic change.”
New York, USA
arrowzine [AT]

Alkaline Sheba
A fanzine that covers riot grrrl, reviews, rants, punk, feminism,... Contact them (London, UK):

I have #13 in front of me and Monica is talking about her challenging transition to medical school. She gives you a very real insight into the lonliness of studying and in the sleepiness of a graduate student.... order her zine and find out about dissections and staying awake!
To order
email her:
vlctygerl [AT] ($2.00)
Monica (Madison, USA)

I'm so tired… getting so tired of running along these line segments." ($1.00) Adorn is a very personal zine in a rough cut-and-paste DIY style. Suzanne talks about her friends, love and does very cool collages. Order her zineby writing to her:
PO Box 892
Hartville, Ohio 44632
heartlikefoil [AT]

or breezilla [AT]

Antisocial Scarlet
"I am a feminist. To me, feminism seems relevant in every way - whatever certain people claim, women do not have equality to men. Its not the legal side of things that concerns me most, its the attitudes towards women that both men *and* women hold."
Antisocial Scarlet - personal/feminist zine with loads of grrrl rants, sex, poetry and more. An A5 photocopied trip into my head... 8 issues out.
ms_scarlet [AT]

Activity Girl Zine
"We all got together through meeting on the 'net, on The Void (channel 4 teletext music board) and through Riot Grrrl Lincs, which sadly folded due to mysterious circumstances..but hey we came back! Bigger, brighter and better than before! Activity Grrrl Zine is in its very early stages yet, but eventually it's gonna be a proper paper as well as an online zine, filled with a mish mash of punk/ska/ukhc/indie/ alternative etc/riot grrrl/feminism/columns/ reviews/shows/a tape trading list and general all round cool stuff :) We're from all over, Lincoln, Nottingham, and Sheffield to name a few places, which gives us even more chance of creating this mega network of people sharing music, meeting each other, starting bands and going to shows. 100% DIY is where it's at!"

All My Heroes Are Virgins

Beth T., Lancs, England
Bobbins2000 [AT]

Alabama Grrrl

"life continues on, many days it's the same-old same-old, and yet other days it whirls out with surprises at each intersection."
PO Box 297
Lawrence, Kansas
ailecia [AT]

The All Girl Summer Fun Bike Trip!!

“It was an idea that had been in the back of our heads forever a bike trip!"
Corinna Lee Manion
PO Box 2403
Bloomington, Indiana 47401

"This is a small collection of small haiku’s about aspects of my friendship with Ms. Amber Myers.”
Email: lowsmile [AT]
25 cents and 1 stamp


“You can’t compliment a friend on their band. They know you will come see them play regardless of what you think of their musical efforts.”
PO Box 13077
Gainesville, Florida 32604 – 1077
$1 plus postage paid= Issue#5, $1-2 stamps= Issue #6, $1ppd= Issue#8

The Assassin and the Whiner

“Imagine your body is alive. It’s walking, talking, even smiling, but you, your soul, your spirit is dead. You are no longer a part of this world although your body is. That is me.”
PO Box 481051
Los Angeles, California 90048 – 9651
asswhine [AT]

Above Suspicion
"Punk, Odd, Not-ur-average-bear zine done Yeah, okay well.
Short rants, some weird articles and neat diy backrounds. i rip out my heart and smear
it on the pages of every issue ;] to get any of my issues send 2 stamps, 1$, trades, blah blah, yadda yadda to:
*Sporky*, Stanley, KS, USA
Go0dhat [AT]

Aire de Jeux

“I am also a girl who is captivated by the French language, while being unable to speak it. I cherish my little dictionary and I use it when I am sick of expressing myself in English.” Grab a blanket; take refuge at your local park while looking for a swing to sit on. This will allow for a more realistic feel while you read this zine based on playgrounds and “meandering narratives.”
PO Box 2277
Ringwood North
Vic 3134
stroke_of_luck [AT]
(added 09/18/2002, website inactive 01/30/03 )

All This Is Mine

:“I don’t understand those people who let work consume their entire lives with only very brief respites. Maybe I should commend them as martyrs for sacrificing themselves for sacrificing themselves for Work-something I should never do. But for me such a sacrifice is not worth it.” Issue #6 covers Sugene’s life. She covers themes such as walking, which is her method of transportation and why she considers jury duty as being “fun”. In terms of returning to graduate school to satisfy others she states, “ Despite opportunity, I’m waiting for a compelling reason.”
Sugene, Oakland, CA, USA
ATIMzine [AT]
(added 09/18/2002)

Alternative Menstruation

“I’ve realized over the past few weeks that all of the resources I’ve come across concerning radical menstruation (including the ones I have written) seem to neglect two really important facts: 1. Not all women menstruate and 2. Not just women menstruate.” The Southern Ontario Bathroom Action (S.O.B.A) crew put out this resource sheet in March of 2002. Alternative Menstruation informs those of us who do menstruate on feminine hygiene health safe methods. It provides various resources that emphasize the importance of our health. It also gives way to a rarely mentioned topic, trans-inclusion in menstruation.
sobacrew [AT]
(added 09/18/2002)

Anywhere But Here

“This month, I spent some “ family time.” My family really doesn’t understand my paradigm, o.k. The older I get, the less things I can tell them. Spending too much family time leaves me like a pot boiling over or something. I just can’t take it. Better to have small doses, and keep things in perspective.” Issue #3 covers Caitlin’s life in terms of sex and enjoyment intertwined with the gain and loss of friendships. Adding to her non-monogamous ventures in life is the lack of connection she has with her family.
603 W. 13th St. #1A
Austin, Texas 78701-1795
abh_zine [AT]
(added 09/18/2002)


“A women’s magazine cannot deny its feminist responsibility. We chose the name “artsy” as a way of turning a negative into a positive. The use of this tongue-in-cheek word stems from the misconception that women’s art is “artsy and crafty.” Finally a magazine that truly represents women artist, because we are not an extinct group that unexplainably recently surfaced.
Artsy Magazine
PO Box 413
Amherst, MA 01004

(added 09/18/2002)

AMP Minizine

"An elegant pink pamplet dedicated to the finer things in life. For chicks and dicks and... just about anybody, really. For a 4-issue subscription to AMP Minizine, please send £2 (post paid in UK) to AMP, PO Box 30639, London, E1 6GA, UK. AMP has also insisted on infecting clubland with its dubious visions. 'Girls Need Modems' club nights were held at the ICA, the Scala and the 291. There were bellydancers, clothes swop shops, and ooh, ten kinds of fun. Will there be more? Who knows? Oh, we do. But we're not telling."

dead link May 2002
Although this zine by Sarah is dead, it has lots of great links!


more grrrl, lady and transfolk zines :


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Zine Distros

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2001-2006 elke zobl